TEREA dedicates its year to solidarity and supports the association ON SE GÈLE DEHORS.

To take up the direction stated in its wishes for 2022, TEREA has decided to dedicate its year in large part to solidarity and to highlight associations whose activities count. Among them ON SE GÈLE DEHORS, created in 2015 by Daniel Jacquin, whose will is to help homeless and disadvantaged people in Marseille.

This association was born from the observation that too many people have no housing or live in unhealthy conditions and in solitude in Marseille.

Every weekend, OSGD organizes "maraudes" to meet people living on the streets, to create moments of conviviality and exchange and to distribute food and basic necessities. The association organizes mobile clothing distribution and has even launched its own solidarity store: IL FAIT CHAUD DEDANS (8 Rue Antoine Pons, 13004 Marseille).

OSGD does not receive any public subsidy and it is only thanks to the motivation of its members, most of whom are themselves in a precarious and isolated situation, to the proceeds from the sale of clothes and to occasional donations that the association can act.

So if you want to know more and be able to give, either your time or your money, you can click on the following link: https://onsegeledehors.fr/

To follow the news and events organized by the association, you can join the Facebook page: ON SE GELE DEHORS.

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